If you need cash fast for your business, invoice factoring can be an ideal alternative to small business loans. If your business experiences seasonal lulls, you can receive instant funds from a factoring company to stay afloat. Here are three tips for being successful with invoice factoring.
Be a Good Candidate
Invoice factoring companies work with a wide range of companies across all industries. To be a good candidate for invoice factoring if you are having trouble making payroll or paying suppliers, your customers must also have good credit histories. If you can’t take on new customers because you can’t offer payment terms, you may want to consider invoice factoring to resolve your cash flow problems.
Compare Invoice Factoring with Other Financing Solutions
Many small businesses look to loans to cover their financial expenses. With invoice factoring, you won’t have to worry about interest payments or repayment of the funding as you would with loans. Loan lenders determine the funding amount you can qualify for, which can make scalable cash flow difficult. With invoice factoring, you can increase your cash flow as you issue more invoices. You can also spend the funding any way you’d like.
Understand What Invoice Factoring Involves
While invoice factoring can be an ideal financing solution for many small businesses, you should be aware of any stipulations that may be involved. Factoring companies often require fees for their services. These fees can be higher for higher risk industries or longer terms. You may be required to provide collateral or pay higher fees if your clients don’t pay.
Get Invoice Factoring Funding Today
If you need cash fast to meet the demands of your business, invoice factoring is an ideal solution. At JOBE Services, we provide several options for accounts receivable financing for commercial businesses. Contact us today to receive a complimentary quote.
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19747 Hwy 59N, Ste 425
Humble, TX 77338
Phone: 281-540-7601
FAX: 281-540-7614
Email: customerservice@jsifactoring.com
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM