What are your dreams for your small business? Where do you see your trucking company, machine shop, manufacturing company, oil & gas company, commercial cleaning & maintenance company or Texas startup in one year? In five years? If you have expansive dreams for growing your business in the coming year, you don’t have to rely on stuffy New York banking or funding sources. The key to your dreams could be much closer to home – and much more affordable.
Funding Your Dreams Locally in Texas
Dreams for growth take money – pure and simple. But that doesn’t mean you have to travel far and wide or kowtow to big-business money men when you need an increased cash flow to fund your expansion plans. JOBE Services, Inc. right here in Humble, Texas, has an affordable and workable solution to help pay for your growth plans.
Non-recourse factoring from a local company can provide the needed funds for your plans, and without borrowing at high (or any) interest. Factoring is not a loan at all. It is a simple, legal and ethical way to get cash now out of your outstanding invoices. Basically, you are using your own money for retrenchment or expansion, not borrowing and adding to a heavy debt service.
Plus, you are dealing with fellow Texans who know you and how smaller businesses like yours operate. The source of your funding is much closer to home and more like family. We handle our business Texas-style with no hidden fees, no long-term contracts and no gimmicks. What you see is what you get – your money now, not later.
Build a Better Future Now with JOBE Services Inc.
Non-recourse factoring with JOBE Services, Inc. gives you the ability to act now when unique opportunities for growth occur, because you can get cash quickly. Factoring does not touch your credit rating because we do not check your credit. Factoring actually depends on the good faith of your creditors who owe you money for services already rendered.
Plus, building your dreams with cash-on-hand, while it may happen slowly, is much better than gambling everything you’ve worked hard for on the whims and fluctuations of the New York stock market and money men. When you reach your expansion goals without debt, you will look back and be glad you chose factoring with your own money over risky, high-interest loans.
Contact us today at JOBE Services, Inc. and share your dreams for building a better tomorrow. We can help you create a plan for making those dreams come true, right here close to home in Texas.
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19747 Hwy 59N, Ste 425
Humble, TX 77338
Phone: 281-540-7601
FAX: 281-540-7614
Email: customerservice@jsifactoring.com
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM