Safeguard Your Small Business from Supply Chain Problems
The global supply chain disruption has likely already reached far into Texas and impacted your small business. The need for critical materials of all kinds has stretched many companies to the breaking point. The huge demand has driven up the costs for most materials, making it difficult to keep any amount of supply on-hand for operations. How do you keep from incurring high-interest debt to procure the necessary materials for continued company operations? Non-recourse factoring can safeguard your small business from supply chain problems.
How Can Factoring Help with My Supply Chain Problems?
The global supply chain upheaval has affected almost every single industry across the world. Demand for raw materials and components has risen sharply, and hoarding available resources is rampant. Small and large companies across Texas and the United States are engaged in a world-wide competition to procure what they need to maintain operations and serve clients. How can you get a competitive edge over other businesses?
Non-recourse factoring from JOBE Services, Inc. provides a debt-free solution to many financial woes that stem from hindrances to your cash flow. Smaller businesses especially run on low overhead and slim margins, so any disruption in the flow of cash can be problematic. Without funds, you could be forced to wait for material purchases, further delaying client work and seriously undermining the health and life of your business.
Factoring allows you to sell your unpaid invoices to us for cash now. We buy your outstanding invoices for a small set fee and you get your money right now, when you need it, without waiting for clients to pay over time. There are no hidden fees, no long-term contracts, no tricks and no bartering for credit with big-city money men from back east. JOBE Services, Inc. is located in Humble, Texas, and we have been helping small- to medium-sized businesses across Texas since 1996.
How can factoring position you to better handle supply chain problems? Here are a few suggestions:
- Use the cash from factoring to place advance orders on materials – orders placed with advance payment get priority treatment. This means you get the materials you need before other companies relying on credit.
- Often, materials come in on short notice to suppliers, and those who are ready to buy now with cash get them first. Use factoring to have cash on hand to take advantage of priority purchasing.
- The ability to pay for materials with cash enables you to negotiate for better pricing. Take advantage of this by factoring your outstanding invoices for ready cash.
- Delays in payment on your invoices can make your accounts short, hindering your ability to pay regular costs like payroll and utilities. Factoring gets you the cash now to pay regular expenses and keep your company open for business.
Local Factoring in Texas from JOBE Services, Inc.
Avoiding debt during times of crisis is a key factor in keeping your small business alive and well for many years to come. Stay away from short-term, high-interest loans and use safe, legal and efficient factoring from JOBE Services, Inc. to help you weather the supply chain storm. Contact us today for more information and to set up your business account.
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19747 Hwy 59N, Ste 425
Humble, TX 77338
Phone: 281-540-7601
FAX: 281-540-7614
Email: customerservice@jsifactoring.com
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM